Sistema sterile per lo sbrigliamento iniziale e di mantenimento del letto di ferita e dei bordi di lesione. Consente, inoltre, l'idratazione di tutta l'area perilesionale e dell'intero arto.
· Rimozione atraumatica di:
- fibrina
- tessuto necrotico
- slough
- bordo ipercheratosico
- biofilm batterico.
La garza cattura e trattiene i detriti.
· Pulizia ed idratazione dell'area perilesionale così come di tutto l'arto.
· Nessun sanguinamento o danno ai tessuti di nuova granulazione.
· Riduzione del dolore, con aumento della compliance del paziente.
· Riduzione dei tempi di intervento.
· Lo sbrigliamento efficace ma non traumatico consente l'utilizzo del prodotto ad ogni cambio di medicazione.
· UCS è utilizzato nei maggiori ospedali e centri universitari europei.
Indicato per:
- Ferite croniche
- Ferite acute
- Ustioni di I e II grado
- Fistole e ascessi
- Area perilesionale e peristomale
- Punti di accesso di cateteri, PEG/PEJ
- Rimozione di precedenti medicazioni.
Aloe barbadensis estratta dalle foglie, allantoina, poloxamer.
Caratteristiche tecniche
· Garza in viscosa per garantire:
- Massimo assorbimento di impurità
- Alta resistenza alla torsione ed allo stiramento al fine di evitare che la garza si laceri
- Massima morbidezza per evitare irritazioni cutanee.
· Alto contenuto di soluzione per garza (12 g).
· Dimensione garza (aperta) 20 cm x 20 cm.
· Sterile.
Dispenser da 10 buste contenenti 1 garza sterile, preimbibita, confezionata singolarmente.
Cod. WR95150F
Efficacy of anti bacterial wipes (The Institute for skin research 11.05.2008)
5 Day test for MRSA on pig skin (ITS Testing Service ltd 28.11.2008)
In vivo and in vitro studies for the anti bacterial wipes efficacy (The institute for skin research 11.11.2008) Cytotoxicity direct contact (Eurofins Pharma Services - 24.06.2009)
A new Ulcer Cleansing System in the management of " no healing" ulcers in elderly. ( Palumbo, Serantoni, Abbritti, Failla, Di Salvo, 17-18/04/2013 )
Faulkner DM, Sutton ST, Hesford JD, Faulkner BC, Major DA, Hellewell TB, et al., A new stable pluronic F68 gel carrier for antibiotics in contaminated wound treatment. Am J Emerg Med, 1997; 15(1):
Bryant CA, Rodeheaver GT, Reem EM, Nichter LS, Kenney JG, Edlich RF. Search for a nontoxic surgical scrub solution for periorbital lacerations. Ann Emerg Med. May 1984;13(5):317-321.
Rodeheaver GT, Kurtz L, Kircher BJ, Edlich RF, Pluronic F-68: a promising new skin wound cleanser. Ann Emerg Med, 1980; 9(11): 572-6.
Curry DJ, Wright DA, Lee RC, Kang UJ, Frim DM. Surfactant poloxamer 188 - related decreases in inflammation and tissue damage after experimental brain injury in rats. J Neurosurg. Aug 2004;101(1 Suppl):91-96.
Birchenough, SA, MD; Peirce, SM, PhD; Rodeheaver, G, PhD, Morgan, RF, MD; Katz, AJ, MD. Topical Poloxamer-188 Improves Blood Flow Following Thermal Injury. Abstracted presented at the Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference (SESPRS) June 2007.
Mustafi D, Smith CM, Makinen MW, Lee RC. Multi-block poloxamer surfactants suppress aggregation of denatured proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008;1780(1):7-15.
Tursilli R, Piel G, Delattre L, Scalia S. Solid lipid microparticles containing the sunscreen agent, octyldimethylaminobenzoate: effect of the vehicle. Eur J.
Pharm Biopharm. Jun 2007;66(3):483-487.
A new dimension in wound cleansing (R. Cassino - 19th EWMA Conference 20-22 May 2009 - Helsinki Finland) La detersione come sistema di rimozione dello stafilococco aureo meticillino resistente (MRSA) dalle lesioni cutanee non infette (R. Cassino - VIII Congresso Nazionale AIUC 23-26 Settembre 2009 - Firenze) Efficacy and tolerability evaluation of UCS Wound Cleansing System. Clinical study (Pori City Hospital - Finland 2009)
Efficacy and tolerability evaluation of UCSol Wound Cleansing Solution vs. other ringer solutions and saline solution (Homecare Service Florence - Italy 2009)
A new ulcer cleansing system in the management of " non healing " ulcers in elderly. F.P.Palumbo, S.Serantoni, F.Abbritti, G.Failla, M.M.Di Salvo. Tissue Viability Society , Kittering , U.K. 17th--18th April 2013.
Evaluation of a new mechanical debridement.
Effective debridement can be achieved in a busy clinic environment (Audrey Gillies, medi uk, 2015) Cost efficacy of using Juxtra CURESTM and UCSTM debridement cloths (Sue Elvin, nurse consultant, district nursing, Camden IPC, 2015)
How one trust saved money by changing its leg cleansing methods in a switch to debridement cloths (Maria A Hughes, Tissue Viability Lead Specialist Nurse, Wirral Community NHS Trust, Birkenhead, Wirral, 2015)
Changing clinical practice in leg ulcer management, implementation of a new leg ulcer cleansing system (Maria A Hughes, Tissue Viability Lead Specialist Nurse, Wirral Community NHS Trust, Birkenhead, Wirral, 2015)
How wound cleansing and debriding aids management and healing (Annette Downe, clinical nurse specialist, St. Thomas'Hospital, London)
Ma.De.U.L. Study (Maintenance Debridment Ulcer and Leg Study) Giovanni Mosti, Stefano Gasperini Angiology Department, M.D. Barbantini Clinic - Lucca (Italy) Medical Advisor - Pisa (Italy)
Traumatic foot injury with skin graft failure back to basic wound care fundamentals (Rene Lessing, Rn, Dipl Nursing, Community Nursing, Psyciatry, Midwifery, Vkovs, Cert. Woundcare Uf, Cert. Woundcare University Of Hertfortshire - United Kingdom.).
Clinical study for the creation of a protocol for the management of wounds and ulcers in the Dominican
Republic (Dr. Victor Cabrera Médico Cirujano - Pié Diabético Expert investigator: Dra. Mirna Soto - Médico Cirujano.
codice: 979323324
codice ean: 8050038940016